Una nostra carissima amica e frequentatrice del forum di EcoBioControl Alessandra Rossi (nickname allerossi), ha appena terminato un ciclo di studi in Naturopatia ed ha trovato utile far conoscere ai ... read more
Some self-styled influencers are doing very negative and revisionist disinformation. Unfortunately also very indifferent. Silicones ARE NOT BIODEGRADABLE full stop. While these pseudo scientists do no... read more
In today's ECHA report, data from a research regarding the online sale of some products are shown. A worrying picture emerged, very worrying. The summary (but also the complete document) can be read b... read more
Peter Malaise, a friend of this site, sent us a reflection on the new EU Ecolabel criteria on textile products. In my opinion it is worth reading it carefully. Download it HERE!
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I had been thinking about it for some time and then I also promised it. So here is the fruit of my efforts. It is a work based on irrefutable and therefore unassailable scientific data. He says some i... read more
Simona Battaglia has elaborated this text which illustrates, step by step, the hair routine she applies on her daughter. It seems to me a great job that deserves to be published here in our Magazine. ... read more